We all know LOL is really a game about numbers right? How many kills, how much gold, how many of my teammates are gonna feed, how long do I de-install the game before reinstalling it? That kind of thing. So with that in mind, here are some Scuffle stats for us to look at! As we know, numbers never lie right?!? To start, our current standings are below:
- Grumpy Bears (4-2)
- Sunset Ravens (3-3)
- Sun Guardians (3-3)
- Radiant Twilight (2-4)
On the first tab we have every player’s combined KDA compiled across all of their games — some players had games in two roles, or even two teams. The next tab is the results and stats from the twelve games we’ve had so far. And following that is the "individual" tab that has sortable stats from each game, and the last tab has the same info but with KDA, CS/M, and G/Min compiled.
Taking the top players — by statistics — over the past two Scuffles (minus players with only one game), we see the entire top five being dominated by Grumpy Bears’ players. No surprise! Natoa leads the way with an outstanding 9.8 KDA over five games, which is far and away the highest KDA. The next closest combined KDA is dynastyking115 — as ADC, not top — and Dark Kreutz with 6.8 and 6.1, respectively. Grumpy’s previous ADC, Nocent put up 4.4 KDA over his three games, while new top laner Ya boi Kevin came close behind with 4.3 KDA in his Scuffle debut last weekend.
The rest of the top ten is rounded out by two supports — SNC Cat and HilkTV, both with 4.1 KDA, in two games and six games, respectively, and then EJoon, Atraitus, and the ADC version of SNC Cerionna. As the cutoff for a “good” KDA seems to be 3.0, we’ll stop there. Ugh, don't we hate KDA players!? Just die already...!!!
Here are some other fun stats below. Anything else we're interested in looking at?
Longest Games
- 41:22 - WK1 GM1 - Sun Guardians vs Grumpy Bears
- 39:12 - WK2 GM2 - Radiant Twilight vs Sun Guardians
Shortest Games
- 24:43 - WK2 GM3 - Grumpy Bears vs Radiant Twilight
- 24:50 - WK1 GM3 - Grumpy Bears vs Radiant Twilight
Highest Team Kills
- 39 - WK1 GM3 - Sunset Ravens
- 38 - WK1 GM1 - Radiant Twilight
Lowest Team Kills
- 2 - WK2 GM3 - Radiant Twilight
- 8 - WK1 GM2 - Radiant Twilight
Lowest Team Deaths
- 2 - WK2 GM3 - Grumpy Bears
- 8 - WK1 GM3 - Grumpy Bears
Highest Team Assists
- 91 - WK1 GM1 - Sun Guardians
- 82 - WK1 GM3 - Sunset Ravens
Highest KDA, Individual Game
- 26 - EJoon - 12/1/14 (Mordekaiser)
- 26 - CT Albedo - 3/1/23 (Sejuani)
- 24 - SNC Big - 3/1/21 (Nunu)
- 23 - Atraitus - 9/1/14 (Miss Fortune)
- 23 - Dark Kreutz - 16/1/7 (Katarina)
- 23 - SNC Titan - 8/1/15 (Cassiopeia)
Highest Kills, Individual Game
- 17 - Itzraider10 - 17/2/8 (Aatrox)
- 16 - Dark Kreutz - 16/1/7 (Katarina)
- 16 - SNC Cerionna - 16/8/15 (Jinx)
- 15 - Atraitus - 15/3/9 (Sivir)
- 15 - RGE Wildstar - 13/4/9 (Pyke)
Highest Deaths, Individual Game
- 11 - Scorpio Darkwood - 2/11/4 (Thresh)
- 11 - SNC Titan - 1/11/7 (Xerath)
- 10 - Scorpio Darkwood - 6/10/8 (Pantheon)
- 10 - SNC Big - 2/10/1 (Shyvana)
- 10 - Mid Master - 0/10/1 (Taliyah)
- 10.5 - UwUStepKiwi - 2/2/19 (Vex)
- Cuz Vex is the best!!!