What an end to our fourth, or fifth split, we can't even recall! In a shocking turn of events, SNC is now an org with championships! 🏆🏆 Two of them in fact! How did this happen?!? I have no idea, but it’s certainly due to the time and effort you all have dedicated to LOL and to each other.
“I wouldn’t give up the community of SNC for the world. It’s a really great [and] positive community.”
For this split, we had a smaller amount of teams by design. Less mouths to feed, more snacks for all! 🧁 Hopefully that still made it a fun time for everyone and for next split it looks like we’ll grow by a team or two, as post-split, you’ve indicated that you’d like to have more SNCs hanging around. As always, we’re here to serve at SNC. Thank you for a wonder end of 2023 all! Let’s look at last splits’ three teams, a SNC Pack throwback:
[ Mighty Pandas | Twempest Fwame | Dreaded Dawn ]
[ Podcast EP01 | EP02 ]