Overall our four teams went 22-6, with an individual game record of 38-18, and every team made the playoffs, with Twempest Fwame going undefeated and winning their LBL Economy Group A division. And lest we forget, we started off an astounding 4-0, eventually hitting 13-1 at midseason. Congrats everyone! And here are some for fun stats...
We had twenty-seven total comp players this split, with fourteen of our players playing in every game for their respective teams. And we stayed out of trouble—for the most part, ahem--with just one player catching a ban for reasons unrevealed [No names, names...]. So thus, the good rep of SNC remains! Overall I hope everyone had fun, and for the teams still in the playoffs, good luck to you all!
In all we used seventy-six champions, with Xayah and Sejuani leading the pack at most picked with fourteen and eleven each, respectively. Other popular champs were Diana, Lux, Olaf, Rakan, Veigar, and Zeri with nine each.
Champs that were drafted just once: Azir, Braum, Caitlyn, Camille, Fiora, Galio, Garen, Hecarim, Heimerdinger, Kennen, Milio, Nautilus, Poppy, Sett, Sona, Syndra, and Viktor.
[ SNC Pack 1 | 3 | 5 | Winter 2023 Player Profiles ]