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SNC Winter 2023: Player Profiles

We did player profiles after split two and here we are again! As mentioned before in the regular season recap, SNC had twenty-seven players that hit the Rift this season and we're here to take a look at all of them! [ Split 2: Part 1 | Part 2 ]


After a trip to the homeland before the split, EJooN came back from Korea leveled up and ready to finally make his debut in comp play. And what a debut it was as he truly made a name for himself in LBL Commercial, with one article even highlighting how EJoon had “blown expectations out of the water…[as an] aggressive player who [isn’t] afraid to take risks to build leads…and [EJooN’s] performance in every series so far reflects that.”

It’s hard to believe that EJooN joined SNC as mostly a Mundo main, and now dominates with all sorts of top lane champions. With a fierce competitive drive, EJooN has shared with us that he also dances competitively… will we ever see his fancy footwork off the Rift? We sure hope so!

Champs Played: Ornn (4), Pantheon (3), Olaf, Jax, Tryndamere (2),Darius, Fiora, Sejuani


The other half of Radiant Dawn’s talented duo that came over to Dreaded, PK was also making his comp debut this split after a long time waiting on the sidelines. Another relative unknown that caught the attention of LBL watcher, PK proved that his game was incredibly well-rounded, playing a variety of team-orientated champions that helped Dreaded take care of business. Armed with an array of tricky invade and counter-invade strategies, PK was an important voice for Dreaded all split long. And not to reveal too much, but PK’s guilty pleasure? The WWE! We can only assume his favorite wrestler is Kane…

Champs: Sejuani (5), Jarvan, Viego, Zac (3), Amumu, Kayn

SNC NumNums

Continuing the theme of SNC players being underestimated in LBL, NumNums was also given the spotlight midseason, getting a shout out for starting off the year strong and rising toward the top of the midlane rankings. I believe the article called Nums a “massive mover in the [mid] rankings!” With two successful splits with Dreaded, NumNums has been a longtime boon to any SNC team with his laid-back attitude and humor. His Diana proved to be fearsome all split long and opponents would be wise to not overlook Nums’ secondary carry potential.

Champs: Diana (6), Sylas (3), Aurelion Sol, Ekko (2), Azir, Veigar, Vex

SNC Cerionna

The rocket doesn’t stop! Our embedded LBL reporter and hard charging carry for Dreaded hasn’t pulled out a Twitch or Yasuo game yet! With less time this split to dedicate to LOL, Arctic has juggled school and work, while still racking up the most total kills of all the SNC players at 117. Wanting to challenge himself after last year’s split in Economy, Arctic rose to the top of Commercial’s ADC rankings in Commercial, and led the league in kills there as well, while “[avoiding] dying, which is never an easy task for an ADC.” Bravo!

Champs: Xayah (7), Jinx (5), Ashe, Kai’Sa, Lucian, Veigar

SNC Talon

Talon on some normal support champs!? Not one Zoe appearance?! What is going on! Showcasing his support skills on actual support champs this split, Talon was already rated by LBL as one of the top supports in Commercial and then proved it by producing some dominating games. When given his much feared Senna, Talon was unbeatable. Assuming captainship duties for the split, Talon worked around some tricky Dreaded scheduling to help them get the opportunity to hit the playoffs running. Talon also finished atop the SNC charts with the best KAD with 39/43/230 over fifteen games.

Champs: Rakan (6), Seraphine (3), Nami, Senna (2), Lux, Nautilus

Dreaded Ship

Shout out to EGirlFox and SquishyRainbow, who were part of Dreaded’s behind-the-scenes support team. EGirl stepped in as an emergency sub during WK5 while Squishy was ever-present during Dreaded’s practices and matches, lending her good cheer and enthusiasm.

SNC WildStar

We already knew WildStar was a versatile player—having playing in many games and roles for SNC last split. Firmly entrenched in the top lane for this split, Wild showed off his wares by playing a wide variety of champions and dominating opposing top laners. As the defacto captain of Ravens, Wild also displayed his leadership qualities this split, and really put in some wonderful behind-the-scenes work to help Ravens build chemistry and synergy. When Ravens were at their darkest, this SNC star was there to guide them back toward the light and through another successful BOL IBS split. Having really made a name for himself on the scene this season, WildStar continues his steady ascent.

Champs: Olaf (4), Gragas (3), Gnar, K’Sante (2), Aatrox, Jax, Mordekaiser, Sett, Trundle

SNC LostHavok

With a role swap to jungle—from mid—right before the season started, LostHavok proved to be the perfect facilitator for Ravens. With his fearsome Ekko banned all through the split, Havok played a variety of team-orientated champs and proved versatile enough to have quite a few top-jungle flex picks with WildStar. Havok proved himself to be a real boon to Ravens with his cool demeanor and easy-going personality—one teammate called him “a rock in the jungle.” As a firefighter and powerlifter, we’re also certain Havok is the kind of teammate and protector all of SNC wants on their side. And let’s not forget, Havok is slated to be a charter member of SNC’s upcoming all-French (speaking) team…

Champs: Sejuani (4), Vi (3) Diana, Gragas, Trundle (2), Amumu, Malphite, Olaf


With multiple seasons of comp experience under his belt, SNC was delighted to have the much-touted OMG grace us with his presence for the BOL split. Having a steady midlaner really helped to open up the map and OMG’s consistently good play paced Ravens to a successful season. Dependability is a great ability and although a man of few words, OMG was also capable of carrying loudly when necessary. A late-season knee injury—suffered off-Rift—had OMG miss the Raven’s last match, but we’ll see this legend again soon. Hope you recover fast and well OMG!

Champs: Lux (7), Aurelion Sol (3), Cassiopeia, Kled, Rumble (2)

SNC Xandradraeda

Often overlooked last split—during Ravens’ inaugural foray in BOL—Xandradraeda made sure to leave a lasting impression during his sophomore year in IBS. Emerging as an ADC superstar, our favorite Xandra captured both massive media attention and the hearts of a growing fanbase with his heroics—and dad jokes. With his previous early game over-aggressiveness reined in a bit, Xandra could consistently be counted on to 1v9 late game, often impressing viewers with his play—especially on his now signature Zeri. Ironically, Xandra did miss a match due to a weather related power outage, but the spark of SNC will be back… perhaps as the leader of a French-Canadian team?! Oui oui, s'il vous plaît!

Champs: Zeri (6), Ezreal (4), Sivir, Xayah (2)

SNC Nebulous

The missing piece to the Ravens’ puzzle this split, Neb came over from w-less Tempest Flame just in time to help Ravens leap out to a tremendous start. We’ve long looked for vocal supports and Neb didn’t disappoint with his shot calling and communication, which imbued Ravens with competitive fire and energy. Often tasked with doing the unglamorous work of peeling and protecting, Neb was excellent at adjusting his game to fit the needs of the team. In addition, VJ Nebulous—apparently Neb is an actual DJ— also made SNC’s first ever highlight reel, and there’s talks that a whole new series could be in the works!

As an aside, it seems like three Ravens are all into hockey, so maybe this should be a French-speaking SNC team on skates. Snack Bears on ice!

Champs: Karma (5), Thresh (4), Rakan (3), Nami (2), Gragas, Lulu

SNC Xplosiv

Coin flip.

SNC Arvos

The quietest and meekest SNC player, Arvos can only be heard by turning up the volume on Amanda’s Discord—way up! Cool, calm, and always collected, Arvos has shown us that Udyr’s other animal form is a mouse… As a carry style jungler, Arvos is also quite slippery, leading all of SNC in least deaths with only 1.2 deaths per game—over twelve games. If you can’t hear him, you can’t kill him, right? Arvos: the tranquil carry.

Champs: Udyr (7), Zac (2), Kayn, Poppy, Sejuani

SNC ZettaiRyoiki

One of Noctis’ former Phantoms, Hunt3r one was invited into the server due to an administrative mistake—Grimm was trying to DM the original Phantom, 8bit—but that mistake has turned into SNC’s gain. With Twempest needing a midlaner, Zettai’s thigh high LBL points ranking was the ideal fit for Fwame’s Economy roster.

Despite not getting his beloved Irelia once, Zettai has proven to be quite coachable and a true team player by doing his exact job: working as a supportive fulcrum in the middle of the map while helping Twempest to an undefeated season. As his first comp split winds down, Zettai is looking to showcase more of his skills next season, as he quietly trains his APM via the rhythm game osu! Click click clickety click!

Champs: Veigar (6), Ahri, Neeko (2), Galio, Malphite

SNC Shiraori

Twempest has a lot of unkillable players, and Tea is no exception as he’s averaged only two deaths per game, with six games with one death or less. Shiraori has been the consummate ADC carry, using his teammates as the web to capture his enemies before annihilating them. Of all the SNC players who’s played seven games or more, Tea leads the pack with a 7.5 KDA, posting high marks in both “most kills” and “least deaths.” There’s only one word for that type of outstanding performance: Daenky!

Champs: Nilah, Xayah (4), Ashe, Caitlyn, Kai’Sa, Varus

SNC Weign

As the invaluable captain of Twempest, Reign/Weign has been instrumental in her team’s success. Aside from handling all the administrative and organizational duties, Weign has also gone from super sub last split to successful support this season. (While also filling in twice for Sunset Ravens, at ADC and midlane!) Often the unsung hero in team fights for Twempest, Weign can be found healing, disengaging, CC-ing, and empowering her carries. This Reign is overwhelming and also posted the best individual game this split, with a WK4GM3 line of 3/0/26 on Morgana. And don’t forget the awesome player cards Weign made for Twempest!

Champs: Morgana, Soraka (4), Janna (2), Braum, Milio

SNC Xplosiv (flipped)

Unwitting opponents apparently don’t believe that an IBS player can pilot Gangplank, which must be the reason why Xplosiv has gotten the citrus-obsessed pirate four times this season. Much to his enemies' chagrin, Xplosiv can indeed play Gangplank—incredibly well!—and really, he can play everyone else too as this star top laner has been unchallenged all season long in LBL Economy. A free agent pickup from the LBL showcase, Xplosiv has proven to be an essential part of Twempest Fwame’s dominance. Also of note, Xplosiv has an LCS jersey wall! When is the SNC jersey going up?

Champs: Gangplank (4), Mordekaiser, Olaf (2), Camille, Darius, Garen, Malphite

Twempest Consultants

Also known as Amanda’s coven? Harem? Rainbow coalition? The three members of the former (possibly disgraced) Gnar Gaurdians are Oliwia, Sywus, and uWuWeewer. One is a masters player, one is an Aphelios one-trick, and one is a world champion Dustforce speed runner—way better than Fishy. Often found watching and helping out Twempest, these three have proven to be an integral part of both Twempest and SNC. Thanks dweam tweam!

Also, shout out here to SNC Fwakeblade, who was the original midlaner for Twempest until the LBL point cap conspired to bench Blade. But Fwake has been a solid SNC supporter and will soon join us on the Rift again!

[Note: As this content producer is unfamiliar with most of the new GS roster, we’ll turn over capsule duties to the marketing arm of Gathering Storm. And here is their pre-playoffs highlight reel! ]

GS Ayuma

If Irelking was an Ornn OTP, his name would be Ayuma. His shot calls are sharp and his ego is huge, but his dependable nature and commanding presence earned him the title of team captain. Ayuma's skill with traditional top laners is truly a remarkable sight. But don’t get too comfortable as Ayuma has been keeping his opponents on their toes with some wild pocket picks—such as Kayn top. Ayuma’s lane-focused playstyle might look almost serene but beware: Ayuma is the calm before the storm.

Champs: Ornn, Cho’Gath, Irelia (2), Aatrox, Darius, Kayn, Kennen, Malphite, Yasuo

GS milesizhigh

Miles is a chaotic storm that stampedes through the Rift. Quite possibly the spiritual twin of Dantes himself, this Hecarim OTP is a force to be reckoned with. Bringing an intense wildness and raw talent that is being carefully cultivated by coach Falcön, Miles is a jungler that puts his team above all else. He is exceptionally hard working and has added quite a few new champions to his pool this season in an effort to create flawless synergy for the team. Keep your eye on this beast in the jungle or he may just run you down!

Champs: Skarner, Wukong (2), Diana, Gragas, Hecarim, Vi

GS EVA 099

Gathering Storm's mid laner is always at the center of the action. Like a steel tempest he makes the presence of the storm felt on the Rift playing his main, Yasuo. With a careful, calm playstyle, EVA dissects an enemy's weakness. He has his eyes set on climbing this season and has trained rigorously. If he's not looking for sweeping trades in-lane, then he may very well have his eyes on a kill elsewhere. You can be sure wherever the storm is raging, GS EVA 099 will be at its eye.

Champs: Cassiopeia, Yasuo (2), Aurelion Sol, Syndra, Vex

GS BioMatrix

Our resident Kai’Sa OTP and disciple of the infamous Kdrama. An aspiring streamer and chef, Bio is out to cook up some new Kai'Sa builds and serve them to the ever-growing community. After nearly walking away from the Rift for good, something has ignited a burning motivation to climb the ranks and put his mark on the competitive scene.

Champs: Zeri (3), Kai’Sa (2), Ezreal, Lucian, Varus

GS eelfish

Armed with a penchant for pranks and sizzling sarcasm, Gathering Storm's eelfish is a genuine joy. Bringing not only her talents on the Rift to the team, she is also a brilliant artist. eelfish put her colorful crafts to good use, being the mind behind the design of their player cards. However, be sure not to mistake her levity for weakness, or you may just be seeing a grey screen sooner than you thought.

Champs: Karma, Lulu, Morgana, Sona, Viktor

More Ethereal / Gathering

And let’s not forget the players who have put in twenty games for the former Ethereal Midnight. Before the storm was this airy team, which started off with incredible chemistry and a growth orientated mindset. Iampancakes57 is still a current member of Gathering Storm, having displayed her prowess on Renata, Morgana, and Nami. She should get some shine in upcoming games.

Imítheos (Aurelion Sol, Seraphine, Veigar), SNC Altair (Ashe, Jinx, Varus, Xayah), and flatter (Janna, Sylas, Heimerdinger) each played four games for Ethereal as well, and put in their time and dedication to the team. Hazel and Shishi were both outstanding representatives of the org with their good vibes and enthusiasm, and they’ll be back on the Rift with SNC soon.

Short-termed junglers SNC Polaris / Wombat (Jarvan, Wukong) and LØKl (Nocturne) contributed their efforts as well. And of course we can’t forget SNC Saltiee, who didn’t play an official game but whose fun-thusiasm—and cheese making skills— was transported over to Twempest.

And let's not forget our coaches from this split!


Our first ever org coach and overlord, Otom imparted us with all kinds of useful advice and insight into comp fundamentals. With a focus on teaching players “how-to” rather than “do this,” Otom brought professional experience and expertise to SNC through his time as coach, advisor, and consultant. His presence will be missed, his humor and wit are everlasting, and when the French-Canadian team is constructed, we know exactly who will be tapped to coach it!


Who knew an IRL meeting at Worlds 2022 would lead to this? After initially starting an associate team under SNC—farewell Gnar Gaurdians—Amanda transitioned to coaching her own IBSG team, Tempest Flame, at the behest of some ex-Radiant Twilight players.

As the split wore on, Amanda not only moonlighted as draft advisor for Sunset Ravens but also took on the coaching reins for the short-lived Noctis—which disbanded after removal of many smurfs and discontents. Amanda the Destroyer! Woohoo!

On top of that, Amanda also officially took on coaching duties for the last few weeks of Sunset Ravens. Always willing to help out where needed, Amanda has proven to be an excellent and insightful coach, one who has not only been instrumental in SNC’s success but also built a stable and well-functioning mini-org inside SNC. Could all of SNC soon come to be coached by a panda?!? One bear to rule them all!? 🐼


After being a lane advisor and temporary coach for two SNC teams, Falcön found his calling, and team, with Gathering Storm. It wasn’t without some ups and downs, as the former Ethereal Midnight roster has been completely revamped, but Falcön has proven to be a dedicated and fiercely competitive leader, signing in late nights all the way over from Europe. It’s been a learning experience for players and coaches alike and now Falcön and Co. will finish out the split with SNC before officially spinning Gathering Storm off into their own org. We thank them for their time and wish all of GS the best of luck!

SNC Furry

After discovering that he truly was much better than we all believed he was—LBL said Furry couldn’t play in Commercial due to high plat status—Furry changed his IGN name to “Coach Furry,” drafted a few games for Dreaded, tried to revive interest in D&D, made a poll to identify Genshin Impact players, and then disappeared. Typical.

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