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SNC Split 2: Player Profiles, Part 2

Continued from Part 1...

SNC Talon

We recently took a poll of the best SNC player ever—a purely objective ranking really—and there was no debate on who came out on top: TalonPogs, the now mostly Zoe one-trick but who actually used to play other champs mystery person--because he is also busy with school.

Yes there was a time, in Snack Bears’ first ever comp league—Proton League—when Talon carried the team from the jungle with the likes of Twitch, Mordekaiser, and Quinn, while earning auto-bans for his Skarner and Ivern.

After running the table as a mid laner with Unlucky Esports, as part of one of the most dominant IBS teams ever—ULEA won two of the three leagues they were in, and would’ve won all three if they weren’t subject to rules shenanigans—Talon returned to Snack and carried out his reign of terror as a full-form roaming support on Zoe, Xerath, and Senna in Elemental Development League—along with fellow EDL All-Star SNC Moonbyul.

That showing earned SNC the only reputation we had ever had going into this past split: yes, we play weird supports. Aka SNC Talon played weird supports. All the stuff about SNC from the preseason shows mentioned that point over and over, and didn’t even bother previewing our (admittedly) mostly unknown players. They were just talking about Talon's play when they called us a "one-tricky novelty org." Kinda great actually, to be honest. Note: Talon wasn't on either that BOL team or the ZGG IBS one, the analysts just liked to talk about him.

Now Talon's doing split-time with Dreaded Dawn in Low Budget League, and we just want your school to know that they're costing us a potential LBL title by taking you away. 😿 Escape, escape, come to Cakeville! We have snaccs!

Signature champ: Zoe, Zoe, Zoe. This is the hard carry Zoe you’ve never even imagined existed. Twenty-plus straight “MVP” or “Ace” from OP.GG. That really happened.

SNC Titan

Before ever setting foot onto the competitive field for his original team, Sun Guardians, Titan had the gall to rank out a week before Zero Gravity Gaming started. (Congrats!!!) Once also at risk of not being to play due to not having his computer, we’re glad Titan conquered everything just in time to take up the mantle of captain for Dreaded Dawn.

With a fun-based attitude and constant enthusiasm to play—or get tilted trying, I can hear Titan’s “oh my god” exclamations right now—our favorite Parisian recently made his university’s amateur team. That makes at least two SNCs on university League teams now and as much as we pooh pooh higher education—aka if it’s not on YouTube we don’t need it! Right?—we look forward to what elevated strategies Titan will bring back to us from the collegiate ranks.

Signature champ: Cassiopeia, but I’ve been told by Titan that his spirit animal / champion is Qiyana, in all her voice lines glory. “I can see your weakness; it is just, well, all of you.”

SNC WildStar

Radiant Twilight. Sunset Ravens. Sun Guardians. Dreaded Dawn. What do they all have in common?…Heliocentricity?! No, it’s WildStar! (Okay it’s both.) The only player to have played on all four SNC created teams this past split—excluding Grumpy Bears—WildStar was a plug-and-play player that was capable of coming in at a moment’s notice and hard carrying a game.

Witness his 8/0 and 8/2 demolishing of GSG Iota for Ravens. Or his series clinching 11/1 for Dreaded in their first Low Budget League win. In fact I’m pretty sure WildStar picked up a win in all three leagues SNC entered and on all four teams. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ And most impressive of all? WildStar displayed his versatility by starting out as a support for Radiant, with some frightening off-meta picks like Wukong and Kayn—before flipping between top and jungle for the other three teams.

So, SNC’s most valuable player this past split? There’s an argument to be made for quite a few candidates but the smart voters should exclaim: “WildStar! WildStar!”

Signature champ: Darius, in every role. We haven’t seen it ADC yet but I have no doubt it’s coming.

SNC Zaidi

There’s no need to discuss Zaidi’s insane vision scores because by now that’s a well known fact. Let’s talk about how that vision score—as the core of his game—allows Zaidi to impact the map through his roams and map presence.

During his first full split with us, we acknowledged that Zaidi was part of the team-wide effort that took Sunset Ravens into the playoffs. What maybe wasn’t highlighted--nay, revealed--was how critically Raven's starting support's absence would cripple them. Zaidi empowered magic allowed his mid laner to get ahead off timely ganks, his jungler to feel safe invading, and Ravens as a whole to have the highest neutral objective gold and objective taking in every BOL game, by a landslide. Numbers don’t lie!

“The Ravens have not won a game without Zaidi! (Or Grim) Not one game!” pundits would declare while pounding on the table—assuming we had a SNC pre-show. Or any show actually. Talk about low budget… Zaidi may not have seen himself as a leader, but he was instrumental to Ravens’ success.

Here are some more numbers: In almost four hundred ranked games this season, Zaidi’s top seven champs all have over a 3.0 KDA—a standard benchmark of a good showing—and with that 55% WR, we got ourselves a win-rate contract baby! For only his second season playing League, Zaidi’s on a future superstar trajectory and we’re glad to have him. Note: We haven’t even seen his Pyke top yet!

Signature champ: Two control wards and a sweeper is all this vision saint needs to dominate.


There was a time when I thought Atraitus launched rockets for a living because of all the talk in Radiant Twilight chat coming from him about rockets. And then there would be the occasional early morning gathering in the Radiant VC channel, and I put two and two together…turns out I was wrong! Atraitus doesn’t launch rockets for a living, he CSes like a rocket scientist and then carries late game!

A professional streamer of the 4x space-faring game Stellaris, Atraitus clearly has a thing for long distances—check out his signature champ. And despite his love-hate relationship with League—a relationship stardated back to S5—Atraitus came to check out what comp play was all about with us. Unfortunately, Radiant didn’t get on the competitive Rift this season but that’s okay because Atraitus has a higher goal:

“Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked: [making ADC relevant again.]” -JFK/Atraitus

While waiting for Riot to restore the ADC position to its former glory, Atraitus has meanwhile returned from the stars to gift us with the Snack Scuffle Invitational ELO spreadsheet. With more data, it’s set up to spit out who the best performing Scuffle players are. Yes, now we will have an unimpeachable answer to that age-old question, the one that has plagued SNC for so long: who’s the biggest feeder?!

Signature champ: Caitlyn


Part of the August class of Radiant Twilight free agents, BigBoyPK came to SNC at the perfect time, when we were in need of a jungler! As it turned out, PK was also a victim of Glacial a team folding in Zero Gravity Gaming and had crossed paths with Phantom (and Frown) there before, albeit not having actually having played together because, well, the team not to be named, quit.

I haven’t played much with PK either, but I hear he’s not above terrorizing his top laner in norms games—encouraged, highly encouraged by SNCs, more more please, hi EJooN—and loves to move around the map swiftly, assassinating people along the way. There are rumors PK knows some secret invade routes but those are locked behind a vault for future use.

Apparently PK is also a chef! We have so many professional food creators at Snack, very appropriate don’t you think? Food comp incoming! Having only subbed for Sunset Ravens once, we look forward to PK making his debut with his team next split.

Signature champ: Kayn. We stop banning it in in-houses once you stop carrying on it. Deal?


Sometimes, in the hell that is solo queue, you find a light in the top lane—rare I know. Even rarer still, that top laner who carried you to +8LP (don’t judge me) is a Rek’Sai. What is happening?! After a following game carried by cluk’s Pyke top, I had to immediately recruit him for SNC.

Despite a busy schedule and cranking out a lot of games for us to make Blue Otter League requirements, cluk came into WK1 of BOL as a sub and put up a dominant showing versus Raining Wolves, the venerable grandmaster of IBS top lane. That really opened some eyes and despite a close loss against Rev X, put Sunset Ravens on the map as a sleeper team to watch out for.

The very definition of a split pusher, cluk only ended up playing two more games for Ravens—due to scheduling—but deserves a solid starting situation somewhere with his strong off-meta picks. Thank you for restoring my faith in solo queue top laners cluk, even if only temporarily. Back to the grind…

Signature champ: Those top towers are all cluk’s, always.


“I’m skinny!” said by EGirl after dodging a thousand skillshots. What is there to say about EGirlFox? The ridiculously amazing gameplay--45.0 KDA the other night on Renata?!--the biting commentary, the constant dry amusement and entertainment. The “no, you’re good” when we both know someone just did the the stupidest thing ever. 🥸

When EGirl dies, we all die. But also EGirl is the player I’ve inadvertently killed the most even though I’ve tried the hardest—really I’m trying, I promise—to save them. Caitlyn R? I’ll flash away even if I’m full health. Pushed EGirl, my many-times-savior, the wrong way with the blast cone? Whoops! Reflexively shield myself for no reason and EGirl is now a digital corpse? Sure why not!

It’s sad when you fail someone that’s only been trying to help you stay alive. EGirl’s the best!

Our former Sunset Ravens bot lane coach was slotted as starting support for Dreaded Dawn but a combination of school and a lost phone—stolen?! I hope you wiped that Discord history—has prevented EGirl from joining us regularly. Another SNC lost to higher education…what is happening to this world!? Priorities people, pri-o-ri-ties!!

Signature champ: Janna, the real wind shitter when played EGirl.


For some reason when I hear “Hilk” I picture the leader of a bunch of barbarian—fierce, disgruntled, agitated—bears charging straight down the hillside towards a cowering village. Captain of the first team to slide an entire roster under the SNC banner, HilkTV and friends were advertised as a cut above and then they proved it by dominating the first Snack Scuffle Invitational. And then the second Scuffle as well.

Grumpy Bears became the measuring stick for the rest of SNC, and while their initial foray into the rarified air of gold leagues didn’t result in any wins, many valuable lessons were learned. Ultimately, Grumpy inspired us to dream big and to venture outside the comfy world of IBS leagues.

While Grumpy takes some time off from comp play—Hilk has to help coach his other team, an unnamed NCAA basketball squad (Is it the Baylor Bears? Cal’s Golden Bears? One of the Bruins? Binghamton Bearcats?!)—they are still staying together to rack up Clash wins and to join us for occasional Scuffles and in-houses. Sending you smiles Grumpy!

Signature champ: Zyra


Part of two splits and a few teams across his time at SNC, Raider started off in top lane for us before bot lane duo-ing with good friend EGirlFox. Retrospectively, that EDL team was something else on paper: Moonbyul, Big, Mayhem, Raider (Furry), and EGirl.

As the starting top laner for Sunset Ravens, there were plenty of games where Raider held down top lane, or demolished his opponent completely, and helped them rise in the standings, splitting time with cluk and a variety of subs.

It’s hard to find tops who don’t auto-tilt in League, and Raider had the perfect combination of fun to play with, carry potential, and versatility in role and champ pool. Now found late nights on SNC with SNC After Dark—this comp team, and league, must happen—Raider is available to help your team to wins and also to move your car to avoid parking violations. Versatility!

Signature champ: Aatrox


Back when a certain unnamed org—who always, always, drops out of leagues—dropped out of Zero Gravity Gaming, we swooped in to pick up the remnants of their roster and took over their spot in ZGG. After grinding out fifty-plus games for that team in a week to become eligible—as a newbie support—Phantom had nowhere to actually play. Luckily for us, the nicest player on the Rift drifted over to SNCville.

Despite being our least experienced League player—he’s not yet been at this a year—Phantom has consistently displayed his dedication to improvement, an enviable chill attitude, and impressed with his increasing game knowledge and map awareness. Most new players are blind to what’s going on around them but Phantom has been the quintessential team player, one who is always looking to help around the map from his mid lane position.

In addition, as part of that ZGG Super Best Friends Club team—yes we really called it that—Phantom secured a playoff showing for SNC by helping SBFC win ZGG’s gauntlet, setting a precedent for a last-to-first knockout round run. So yeah, Phantom’s the only Snack who has actually won something with a Snack team! Woohoo!

Signature champ: Galio


Consistently touted as an exemplar of a good hang, I’d been trying to get Scorpio to play with SNC for months because hey, I really liked the guy! After initially finding some other teams to play with, Scorpio eventually landed with us and then got tasked into the super-sub position, filling in for Radiant Twilight and Sunset Ravens.

Subbing at support for WK2 and WK3 in BOL, Scorpio played Ashe, Yuumi, and Lux in a win against Revolution Anarchy and then stunned as Pantheon in a quick sweep of Hyperion Galaxy. Scorpio’s contributions to Ravens will be remembered—he also played an additional game at his natural position ADC, and some more support near the tail end of BOL.

Taking a step back from comp for awhile, we’ll miss Scorpio’s easy-going manner and instant contributions to team chemistry.

Signature champ: Pantheon

Shiraori Tempest

Newer to our comp teams—he joined early August—Tea has been as advertised: chill, tilt-proof, versatile, and a true LOL veteran. The man has been playing League since S4! This self-described weeb has yet to showcase his true powers for SNC but we’re excited to see what the mid lane holds for him as the new captain of Radiant Twilight.

An aspiring writer and an avid sci-fi reader, Tea is ready to carve his name into the SNC history books. Maybe some forthcoming fanfic in the meantime? Come join our budding SNC content team?! We pay nothing?...

Signature champ: Nilah, for someone who’s been playing since S4 to say that the newest champ is their favorite is saying something.


A standout from our first ever group tryouts in June, Squirrels brought years of previous experience—playing the game since S5, owning orgs, managing teams, running tournaments etc.—to the table. As a team-orientated jungler, Emmi packaged together plenty of crowd control and ganks, laying the groundwork for her laners to get ahead. Combined with WildStar’s support, Squirrels gave the nascent Radiant Twilight much-needed shotcalling and an initial push out the door.

Until, well, she went out the door! (What’s a small insurrection now and then?! Nothing!) But no matter because SNC loves Squirrels and soon she would be back, and now happily ensconced on Dreaded Dawn as a support.

With her passion and energy, Squirrels is a multi-role player equally capable of helping a team out on the Rift as well as behind-the-scenes. (We wouldn’t even be in Low Budget League without Emmi!) We’ve been eagerly waiting for the return of 🐿 to SNC and here she is! Currently in the BOL IBS finals with GSG Psi, we're hoping she lets us gaze at her trophy...

Signature champ: Nami, the almost one million mastery Nami!


With more M7s than anyone I know, and now having won a game with each of 150+ champs, our resident French-Canadian is truly a jack-of-all-trades, having played since S4. Xandra’s preferred role is ADC, where he goes about his quiet business of murdering people. Unrecognized by the entrenched Blue Otter League press, Xandra was statistically the top-ranked Sunset Ravens player but never even received a single weekly BOL All-Star mention. The injustice!

A seamless player and a gem of a teammate, Xandra was the oft-overlooked carry for Ravens. Until the spotlight inevitably shines on him, Xandra’s consistent KDA will have to speak for him. Having played briefly with Xandra's friends on their team--as the worst top laner NA--I can attest that Xandra is used to winning games easily and often, so thank you for slumming it with us. When my all-fill, all-skins, all-themes dream SNC team assembles, I'll need you as a crucial part of it.

Signature champ: Whoever his thirtieth M7 is gonna be? That could be almost anybody though, as Xandra is only one M7 token away on ten separate champs.


We couldn’t close without talking about our favorite SNC coach right? Initially just helping out for Super Best Friends Club, Outlaw has been around SNC since the end of last split and into this one, mostly as a quiet observer and sometimes not-so-quiet shoutcaster. (Outlaw’s casting is premium stuff!)

As time went on, Outlaw got dragged further and further into the bowels of SNC—ha ha ha!—as he continued to give of himself, and eventually took over the orphans of Luce Aeterna and turned them into a (mostly) new team with players filled out from our June tryouts.

Since then, the very busy IRL Outlaw has gone through the knotty “almost in” process of getting Radiant Twilight into a comp league, with near misses left and right. He’s even recently suffered a nasty hand burn, daring to ask the question: how much do the Bami's Cinder nerfs effect my team?

That’s the kind of coach Outlaw is, putting the team before himself like always. Aside from that, Outlaw exhibits all the other qualities we’re looking for in a SNC coach: patience, dedication, chemistry building, constant encouragement, a view of the big picture, unyielding enthusiasm, maturity, hope, I could go on and on. And more importantly, as a human, Outlaw exemplifies all the things we want in a SNC member. Can we give someone six honor levels? Seven? Eight? A million?

In addition to all that, Outlaw is a musician and a reader, and my number-one draft pick for SNC Book Club. For the upcoming split, Outlaw is looking to take Radiant Twilight onto the Rift and make an immediate impact. “Immolation, charge!”

Signature champ: Aphelios

SNC Furry

No, Furry didn’t play with us this split—and still won’t for some reason, and he also vacated coaching Sun Bears to go on a months-long tour of Europe, tsk tsk—but I wanted to pose his recent Furry-mind question into an open forum while your attention is here.

Furry Q: Do you think furries count their age by human age or by their preferred animal’s age? Discuss.

Our answer: Seriously?

The right answer: Serious furries won’t count. Our Furry can't.

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