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SNC Brawl 2023: WK6

It was a thrill of a Brawl season, thank you all for participating! We had twenty-three participate in at least one game, and hopefully it was a fun time for all! Forgoing the detailed recaps of each game—mainly because it’s been awhile and I forgot!—we’ll just cover the themes and a few brief notes from the week.

[ Rules | Final Standings | Sheet | Recap WK1/2 | Recap WK3 ]

WK4 Mirror Match

The game was afoot as everyone had to play the same champions against each other.  Each lane opponent would take turns choosing who would be played each time. GM1 was a thrilling Fiora, Diana, Naafiri, Tristana, and Bel’Veth. Note: EJooN bought and brought Naafiri’s skin right to first-timing the champ, who was just released that week. Cerionna’s Tristana cleaned up the game with a 12/3/5 KDA, with Mr Vitis’ Diana also posting a lovely 9/2/6.

During the ARAM, SNC Cerionna popped way off with a 34/9/16 Kalista, and while the kill count was even by the end of the game, there wasn’t much Nilah (Adarasto) and Rumble (OnlyMagicalGirls) could do to turn the tide.

Reversing who selected the champs, GM3 was Lulu (top!), Mordekaiser, Ryze, Yasuo, and Nami. Bringing his patented jungle Morde, Mr Vitis demolished the enemy team with a 16/1/7 line, as the game was a runaway. Still, it was a fun week!

WK5 Nemesis Draft

Why have friends when you can have frenemies?! For this week, the opposing team picked five champions for the *other* team to play. We did it draft style all the way through, with the bans being Nidalee, Yuumi, Braum, Milo, Twisted Fate, Nami, Nautilus, Zilean, Galio, and Taliyah.

The two resulting teams for GM1 was Shen, Leona, Sona, Alistar, and Blitzcrank versus Soraka, Bard, Janna, Renata, and Rakan. Despite SNC PK doing his Bard-y jungle best, EGirlFox and Co. eked out a close win.

It was Cerionna again with the carry for the ARAM game, as his Veigar was doing big damage. Depressed Bleach (Xayah) and SNC PK (Warwick) gave it their all but in the end, Veigar and Quinn (OnlyMagicalGirls) was too much.

Leaving the same bans in place for GM3, the matchup was Riven, Qiyana (jungle), Tahm Kench, and a bot lane of Urgot and Heimerdinger. Opposing them was Ryze, Thresh (jungle), Azir, and a Zeri Lulu combo. It was quick work as OMG’s Tahm got out ahead and then rampaged the rest of the game, as blue side couldn’t do anything to slow down the The River King, and that was all she wrote for nemesis!

WK6: All Smite, Ultimate Bravery

For GM1 of our last Brawl week, we went all smite, which would assure insane objective fights, right? As it turned out, all smite is super fun!

MrVitis was an absolute beast with his patented Mordekaiser, putting up a 15/4/5 stat line. Unfortunately, the team effort from the other side was too much to overcome as this 37-37 battle ended on a high note.

After the ARAM game, we set off to do Ultimate Bravery, which some participants had never done before. Wacky builds abounded, with an absolute slaughter by the team of SNC Huckleberry, SNC Elderberry, Zihilism, DictatorMazzaru, and SNC Juneberry. The more berries on a team the better I guess! The other side tried to make it a fight, but with Annie and Skarner pumping out virtually negative damage, it was an uphill battle.

All in all, thank you for the six weeks of Brawl and hope it was fun!

All in all, the winner of our first Brawl was SNC Cerionna with eighteen points--two points for a 5v5 win, one for an ARAM. Following beind him was Saint Millay (15), OnlyMagicalGirls (13), ToukasRage (13), and SNC Big Bear and SNC Silent Bear (11). And the winner of LOL Sketch? ToukasRage of course with a whopping three of six weeks won!

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